This could have been part of our Caipira and Sertaneja Music Page, but the viola brasileira has become a favorite of ours and has such outstanding interpreters that are "city folk," that we decided to create a page just for them: Roberto Corrêa from Brasília and Chico Lobo from Belo Horizonte. Roberto Corrêa has his own web site where he tells the history of the instrument and talks about the different types of violas and how they are made (in Portuguese). Roberto not only plays the instrument like an angel, but has done extensive research on the viola and the music of Brazil's backlands. All CDs donated to our site automatically become part of the Sheila Thomson Collection of Brazilian Culture at Florida International University in Miami.
Heraldo do Monte: Viola Nordestina, Kuarup Discos, KCD116. Heraldo is one of the great violeiros of northeastern Brazil and this is a superb album...indispensable. Hey, LARAS agreed with us and nominated this one for a 2002 Latin Grammy... | |
Uróboro, Roberto Corrêa, Kuarup Discos, VC01. CD notes in English also. | |
Reinado, Chico Lobo, Kuarup Discos, KCD 138. Chico takes you to the Festas de Reis in the interior of Minas Gerais. But the CD has much more to offer. It's charming, rootsy and sophisticated. We play it at home and we play it in the car and we can't get enough of it!
Chico has a DVD out on Kuarup now and his own blog. |
No Braço dessa Viola, Chico Lobo, Kuarup Discos, KCD 125. |