Queijo com Goiabada

Not much work for this one...no-sweat kind of dessert. Beloved by Brazilians and foreigners alike. Maria decided to add this page when she had a request from a Japanese guy. I mean, if we get a request from Japan for the most common of Brazilian desserts...It's so popular, in fact, that there's even a queijo com goiabada ice cream in Rio!

All you need really is goiabada (guava paste, above left) or marmelada (quince paste) and a good cheese like a muenster, havarti, etc. Or, if you can find it, Brazilian requeijão or Catupiry cheese (Latino and Brazilian markets in South Florida carry that). Serve a sliver of goiabada or marmelada with a slice of cheese or a spoonful of requeijão. I've heard that this dessert is called "Romeo and Juliet" because cheese and guava paste are such a perfect match! Enjoy it!

Maria's Cookbook